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"Unique Pieces"

Every dental prosthesis is a "single piece”, built individually for “that person”, must restore the chewing, functional and aesthetic function. To build a "unique piece" requires a lot of skills, a lot of information and a lot of data. With the clinician we put together and share theskills, we collect information and data, to restore the patient's smile and safety in social life. We are not "wizards", we are people who put their ownprofessionalismavailable to their clients and patients.


Fixed prosthesis

We perform fixed prostheses in ceramic metal, ceramic zirconia, zirconia and composite metal on natural and implant elements.  We have experience on Zimmer, Nobel Biocare, Bredent, Bone System, Sweden and Bicon implant systems. We have a particular training relationship with Bicon and in the Piedmont area we provide technical support (Dental Technician Supporter) to Bicon customers. The precision controlled with the stereo microscope, the aesthetics and the function are the objectives to look for in our prostheses. We can build prostheses with traditional or digital impressions (STL files) or through the Itero system. We build the structures using Cad-Cam, Lasermelting and Die-casting processes with controlled metal melting temperatures. We provide assistance in the studio for the detection of colors and the study of aesthetics.

Bite, Mouthguard and

anti snore bite

We build release, stabilization and containment plates in resin with care and professionalism
thermoprinted. Sports bites, whitening trays.

Mobile prosthesis

The removable prosthesis is built taking into consideration the Stack, Pound and Gerber type assembly techniques. Function and aesthetics go hand in hand, where there is good aesthetics there is most likely also good function and vice versa, that's why we try to get photos from the patient, with the addition of videos made by us and a transfer face bow detected in the studio we are able to recreate a harmonious smile and good function. We feature the resin flanges in very wide smiles that help blend in. We use quality and customized resins and teeth.

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